Week 6- mysterious discharge mistaken for an embryo
week 8- morning sickness. pretty sick if I dont eat every 2-3 hours
Week 10- morning sickness much less. Breasts noticably growing. Emotional- mostly ornery. Feel like Im showing ALOT. Can still wear normal clothes though.
week 11-12- Sick to stomach most of the time. need to eat frequently. Had dr. appt. and baby looks fine. Have to listen very low to get a HB
week 13-15- Jeans are tight at button, especially after a big meal! Bought some maternity clothes in utah and love them:) Told the family at 13 weeks. It was great. Mia now says "baby tummy" and point to my belly
week 15-17- Veins in back of right leg have popped out. I call in a blue vine instead of a red vine. Not painful at first but now they hurt sometimes and get really annoying. Also feel like my hip is out of place or something, causing leg pain. Some headaches but not too bad. Noticeably pregnant but everyone is shocked when I tell them how far along I am, which makes me feel super! Have to stand up slowly if bent at the waist or I get a sharp, stretching ligament like pain. Super emotional this week. Feel like a terrible parent. Sleeping great with some very weird dreams. Lots of breastfeeding other peoples babies. Stomach actually starting to feel tight instead of chubby:) Thought I may have felt the baby moving around the past few days. Seems like it was a lot later the first time around so Im not sure about that. Felt like the sickness stuff was getting better but it is really bad in the morning about 20 minutes after I eat. LIke I have to sit down and get away from the site of food. Had Dr. appt. and opted for the 2nd part of the early screening (missed the one at 12 weeks). Just a simple blood test. Will find out gender if a few weeks! Still doesnt seem real. People find out or say congrats and it doesnt seem like it is really happening. I cant explain it but something is totally different as far as my perception and the reality of it. I'll figure it out I guess.
Weeks 18 and 19- no vein pain, yay! Think it helps to avoid sitting for long periods of time. Feeling the baby ALOT. Seems so much more active this time around. Getting trapped gas at night that is waking me up and I pretty much throw myself out of bed and walk around, pee, and it seems to go away. Not enough room in there I guess. Early screening was normal. Seem to be doing fine. Tummy starting to hang when I lay on my side at night, but not too bad. 20 week u/s and appt. this friday! Jaime is having a boy. We shall see. Im working 3 days a week this summer so Im pretty tired, not going to lie.