Thursday, November 28, 2013

Bri Photobook 2013

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Way too long

Hi Darling,

Its been way too long since I wrote. I'm hoping this means I've been too busy helping you learn and grow and loving you up! You are the cutest thing around and you know it. Everyone loves to look at you, take pictures of you, talk to you, you name it. You have the most beautiful features and personality. Everyone thinks you are much older than 2 because you are really tall and have lots of hair and composure. Before you turned 2 people would guess all the time that you were 3. It doesn't help that you refuse to say your "true age", but instead insist that you are 3 and a half. But so is Mia (or so you say), so it all adds up! Here are a few things about you.
- At this point you can pretty much talk in full sentences. I can understand most of what you say or are trying to say. You are very eager to talk and communicate and let us know it!
- You love to dance and spin in circles.
- You get naked a lot, especially at night when in your bed. You also love to put your own shoes and socks on. You insist on taking your own diaper off and its quite a chore to get one on. You are very particular about it. You also know when and how to use the potty, but you pick and choose your times.
-You love to torture Mia! You turn the TV off when she is watching it. You hold on to toys just because you know Mia wants them. If she makes you mad, you just kind of lose it and pinch and inch of skin you can get your hands on. You have left lots of marks!
-You also love to make Mia feel better and when she is sad or mad, you often find a soft toy for her and sing her a song (whether she likes it or not:)) If you know it will make her happy and feel better, you will usually give her whatever it is that will make it better.
-When someone is injured you insist on knowing what is going on and inspecting wounds of all sorts. If someone gets hurt you retell the story to everyone you come in contact with. However, you don't care for bandaids, but like to take medicine.
-You love green beans and broccoli. You also love spaghetti and pizza. But you REALLY love chocolate and candy and gum. You will do just about anything for some. You beg, plead, steal, you name it to get your hands on some! You dont like tomatoes. I cant think of any others. Sometimes you refuse to eat but I think its more of a stance than it is a dislike.
- I gave you a nursemaids elbow in your left arm last week. We were playing on the ground and I was tickling you and you rolled of and pop! A friend and I put it back in and you were good as new!
-You love to watch the Ipad. You beg for it every morning. You were able to totally work it long before you were 2.
-You still like to swing at the playground. Its your favorite activity.
 - You have been really healthy lately. You hated every second of the Dr. visit, and you get a runny nose a lot, but you are an expert nose blower and seem to do just fine.
-You still love/hate dogs. You get really excited when they are around, but quickly freak when they get to close or try to smell you.

We love you so much. You adjust so well to new surroundings. You are so happy all of the time, even when you don't get a nap in. You and Mia are really starting to play together and you are bringing your own play ideas to the table. Its getting really fun to watch you grow with her and learn how to be your own person in your big sister's world.

I cant wait to see how you grow. You are so special to me. You are such a softy at times and it really comes through.

Love always darling,


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

walking and talking

Hi baby girl,

You are turning into a little kid, rather than my baby, which is hard! You want to move and go instead of cuddle and I have to let you do it. Here are some happenings:

You are an official vampire. You are missing your two top teeth but have the ones next to them and it is SO funny. I ask you "where's the vampire baby" and you crinkle your nose and show me your teeth. I love it so much.
You started walking on Christmas Eve. You just decided it was time I guess. You were 14.5 months old.
You have 4 teeth as of 15 months but I see more coming through as I type.
Your words, in order of first saying them are: dada, mama, doggie, no, keys, more, please, drink, and I think you call Mia "Meemaa". not sure though
you have a knack for knowing when a place or room has an echo and you scream at the top of your lungs for fun and to hear the echo
you LOVE dogs. you follow them around at the park. you get so excited.
you like to take things (keys, cups, etc.) and put them in peculiar places like random drawers, garbage can, bathtub
you get your shoes multiple times a day and want them on. you also get out dads shoes and carry them around
you love keys and phones, ipads, computers. you shreak if we dont give them to you. you take the phone and walk around with it at your ear talking and blabbing
you say great prayers. you fold your arms and then whisper/muttle something unrecognizable and I love it.
you hate getting your diaper changed and I have to sit on you to do it
you do NOT like being cold. you shake like a leaf if even remotely cold or wet
you have waxy ears
you have a cute little mole on your rib cage on the right hand side by your zyphoid
you pull mia's hair if annoyed with her and bite her when she yells at you
you are kind of scared of the water and wont lay down in the bath. you also are very timid at the playground and choose to sit and watch people
you love chocolate
you are a picky eater and if you dont like the food or it isnt what you are used to you will throw it on the floor and simply refuse to eat. I think you are just waiting for us to break out the dessert, which is usually what happens
you sleep on your tummy with your knees pulled to your chest
you give kisses when Im lucky
you fell out of the back of the SUV when I opened the back door not realizing you were holding on to the window and you did a face plant into the pavement. you had a small bump and cried for 3 minutes. I cried for an hour.
you like to be chased and to be wild and silly with Mia
when we tell you no you cry really hard and are so sad and want to be held, with real tears and all. Lately you are transitioning from that to just throwing yourself onto the floor and refusing to get up.
you give strangers hi five and yell at the TV when sports is on saying "yeaahhhh" in a deep voice

We LOVE you! You are so much fun to have around.
love always,

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Bri!

Hi big girl!

I cant believe you are one. Your first year flew by. It started in Austin and ended in Baltimore. You are so much fun with SO much personality. You have a sly way about you that catches me off guard a lot! Mia was so much different at this age. You function as a 2nd child and therefore have to protect yourself! You LOVE your dad. Did I mention you love your dad? He is number one on your list. You babble a lot and say mama, dada, doggy, thank you, hiiiii, and lots of other noises/sounds, etc. You let other people take care of you without too much fuss which has been a blessing since a started a new job that has required me to be a gone from you a few hours a week. The day after you turned one you did 3 things that let me know you werent my baby anymore. First, you slept all night. You wake up at night still and Im a sucker and give you whatever you want. Mia never got away with what you do! Second, you crawled up onto Mia's bed and started jumping! You are now crawling up on things which changes alot of how to be your mom:). And third, you are biting Mia! You have 2 bottom teeth and one top tooth fang is coming in, so Im not sure how you hold on but you do, and you definitely have some power with it. You mostly do it when Mia makes you mad. I think its a defense mechanism but you are kind of a stinker when you get mad and hold on to it for longer than your probably should. On the other hand, you give kisses and cuddle more than your sister ever did:)

I love you so so much pretty girl. You make my life what it is. I hope to get you to like me as much as you like your dad!


Thursday, May 24, 2012

7 months

a little update for you. Your latest obsession? FOOD! You are obsessed with what people are eating and putting everything in your mouth, edible or not. You usually only like a bite or two, but you are really into it. What does your diet consist of? You do not eat like most babies. You have unusual tastes for your age and for just starting out! You like: spicy guacamole, refried beans, any beans for that matter, chicken casserole, cottage cheese, peas, squash,  pretzels, ritz crackers, sometimes yogurt. You arent into sweet stuff too much. You are such a mess when you eat! You rub it all over, in your hair, ear, neck, legs, you name it. I have to feed you naked and bath you after because you are such a mess. I think its all that hair that gets in your face.

You LOVE your jumpers. Once you figured it out, it was game on. As long as we are around, you are content in there.

You yell. ALOT! It a literal yell. Especially when you're hungry. You try to bite my face and shoulder when you want a bottle.

You aren't too mobile, other than rolling around, pulling knees up to a crawl position but just going back down. You sit great. I'm happy at this stage. Things get complicated when crawling begins!

Love you angel baby. You make me smile everyday, several times a day!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

6 months

Hi Pretty girl, I love you so much. You are such a good baby. Your tempermant is amazing and you love to watch Mia run around. You are always looking for her. Today she picked you up and was carrying you around until I saw her and about passed out from the sight! You loved it though. Here are some funny things about you: You poop all over! Clothing, car seats, shopping carts, couches, your mother, you name it! You are so proud too. You laugh when loud noises are made. When Mia splashes in the tub, or I make a funny noise at you, you think its funny. You are happiest on the go. If we arent out the door soon after getting up in the morning you get restless and want out. You can sit up and are already eating all the rocks at the park. It is so funny to watch you try to put them in your mouth over and over again. You only fall over when you are reaching for something behind you or Mia tackles you. You dont really care to eat in the morning/early afternoon. You will go lots of daylight hours without eating and you dont seem to care. I think you are right handed. I also think you like salty foods. Your first solid food try was bacon (thank your father). You always lay on your side with your hand up over your face. You still rub your feet together. You LOVE water. We go swimming and you love it. You also like the bath. You have had some illnesses. You had an ear infection and some respiratory distress a month ago that just wouldnt clear up with antibiotics. The breathing was an issue and you were wheezing a little bit so I gave you some breathing treatments for a few days. I think we tried 4 different kinds of antibiotics for the ears and nothing would do it. We were thinking about doing tubes but you were a few weeks under 6 months (the age req. for anasthesia) and so we did some allergy medicine (Singulair) for 2 weeks and your ears got better! Now you seem to have a cold again, however Im not convinced its not allergies. Im wondering what will happen when we move to Baltimore and out of the allergy capital that is Austin. Your hips are looking fine so that is great. You love to see your dad. You kind of hulk out when you see him. Its really cute. I love you so so much. Everyone I see, everywhere I go comments on how cute you are. Your hair lays down now and is in your eyes. Its out of control! It looks very light underneath the brown, so we will see what color it grows in. I love you baby. I wish you would be my little baby forever xo mama