Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Bri!

Hi big girl!

I cant believe you are one. Your first year flew by. It started in Austin and ended in Baltimore. You are so much fun with SO much personality. You have a sly way about you that catches me off guard a lot! Mia was so much different at this age. You function as a 2nd child and therefore have to protect yourself! You LOVE your dad. Did I mention you love your dad? He is number one on your list. You babble a lot and say mama, dada, doggy, thank you, hiiiii, and lots of other noises/sounds, etc. You let other people take care of you without too much fuss which has been a blessing since a started a new job that has required me to be a gone from you a few hours a week. The day after you turned one you did 3 things that let me know you werent my baby anymore. First, you slept all night. You wake up at night still and Im a sucker and give you whatever you want. Mia never got away with what you do! Second, you crawled up onto Mia's bed and started jumping! You are now crawling up on things which changes alot of how to be your mom:). And third, you are biting Mia! You have 2 bottom teeth and one top tooth fang is coming in, so Im not sure how you hold on but you do, and you definitely have some power with it. You mostly do it when Mia makes you mad. I think its a defense mechanism but you are kind of a stinker when you get mad and hold on to it for longer than your probably should. On the other hand, you give kisses and cuddle more than your sister ever did:)

I love you so so much pretty girl. You make my life what it is. I hope to get you to like me as much as you like your dad!


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