Wednesday, March 21, 2012

5 months!

oh the funny things you do: you are now sticking your tongue out...all the time..and you think it is really funny! You know people are laughing at you and doing it back. your hair has fallen, so much so that it is in your eyes. Its funny when you are tired and rub your head and your hair goes everywhere. You have learned not to pull it though. you yell a lot. Its pretty funny. Right before you sneeze you yell. you dont like having your nails trimmed. you can roll from front to back and back to front. You kind of crawl with your head and shoulders on the ground and your legs pushing you forward. It makes for lots of carpet/blanket/floor eating.. you cat nap like no one else. 30min here, 45 min there. Its a good thing and a bad thing. I have created it though with all our running around. Every morning you go to the YMCA childwatch while I work out and hang out with Mike. He is a large hispanic guy with dreadlocks and a beard and the two of you rock and rock and sleep:) you are laughing at Mia all the time, especially when she splashes in the tub or we play peek-a-boo. you suck your bottom lip still rubbing your feet together I think you are right handed you like to bite my face and knuckles with your gums you weigh around 16lbs. I think the breastfeeding has come to an end. I just dont have enough milk. You love to nurse so I give it to you all the time but you get most of your nutrition from a bottle. we love you

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